【首50位出席者即获Chicken Up现金礼券】毕业生绝对不能错过 · 2018最Fun的AUG升学教育展!






时间 大学代表 讲题
4:00pm – 4:45pm 马来西亚多媒体大学依斯干达分校

Multimedia University Iskandar Campus


Are you interested in Film Making & Visual Effects Production?

5:00pm -5:45 pm 伦敦国王学院

King’s College London


Tips for Writing a Personal Statement

6:00pm -6:45 pm 墨尔本大学

The University of Melbourne


Prepare For Every Possible Future at The University of Melbourne




出席教育展还有机会参加幸运抽奖游戏玩FUN天!没错!只要在AUG 升学教育展现场报名的同学就可参加抽奖,既有机会赢取新加坡环球影城入门票或精美小礼品!想知道到底怎么个玩法,赶紧预先注册,去现场看看吧!史无前例,那么好康的教育展哪里找啊??


【教育展:最精彩三】简单4步骤,即获Chicken Up RM20现金礼券

只需简单4步骤!预先上网注册并出席教育展,即可获得著名韩式炸鸡店Chicken Up价值RM20的现金礼券!!!

1.“Follow”AUG Malaysia 官方脸书:

  1. 点“赞”、分享此帖文
  2. 通过这网址预先注册:
  3. 教育展当天向AUG工作人员Show出你已点“赞”了和“Follow”该FB专页,就可领取一张免费的Chicken Up现金礼券(只限首50位!记得早点到!!以免错过了!!!)




此次的升学展特别公开给毕业生或在籍学生及家长参与。届时将有超过50所来自英国、澳洲、新加坡及本地等著名大学代表为你提供免费的全方位升学资讯。赶快JIO齐朋友一起去,咨询过后再一起去吃免费的炸鸡吧!不论是技职课程如烘焙、烹饪、酒店管理、设计、汽车维修、美容美发、幼教等,大学预科如IB、AUSMAT、 A Level、 Foundation等,学士、硕士甚至博士文凭都可以在AUG升学展获得资讯。






“At AUG, We Offer TOP SERVICE, by TOP PEOPLE where our students are always our TOP PRIORITY!!”

AUG 在全球设有22间分行, 单是马来西亚就有超过11间分行,其余分布在澳洲,新加坡,香港,菲律宾,印尼和中国。

AUG辅导员会站在你的立场出发,用最貼近你的想法,為你们推荐最适合的课程与学府!!不仅免费为您提供一站式升学服务,从如何选择大学与课程 –> 申请入学及奖学金手续 –> 安排住宿 –> 办理签证 –> 机票预定–> 行前说明会(Pre-Departure Briefing)–> 机场接送, 还有专业的澳洲移民指南,务必为你提供全方位资讯!




Student Testimonial 看看AUG保送的学生与你分享的“心底话”

NG Shi En

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Monash University, Australia


AUG JB staff have been a great help to me while I am applying for my universities. Special shout out to Anny, Hwee Ling and Sin Yee for being understanding and always trying their best to accommodate to my demands. With their help, moving to Melbourne have never been easier. AUG Melbourne have been welcoming as well. They organised a welcome party for all newcomer, where all newcomer will get together and have fun together.


Teo Jia Jin

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance)

University College Dublin, KHEA Singapore

Studying in Kaplan Singapore is one of my best decision ever made. As I had the chance to enjoy in a dynamic and bustling city with the assurance of highest standard of education as well as the opportunity to blend in a multi-racial society beside of my hometown, Malaysia. I started my degree program of University College Dublin at Kaplan, the prestigious Triple Crown accreditations from UCD was not the only reason that I chose this university but also the opportunity that provide the strong conceptual and practical understanding of business and management. Kaplan also provides me a place to study in a conducive learning environment with the ample facilities and convenience within the campus.

I am grateful to AUG student services centre too, they have helped me from the very beginning of school application till the start of my course, and I get to see their greeting often that makes me feel warm. AUG had tried their best to help me of my needs despite some circumstances have driven some difficulty during the process of application. It amazed me of their services whom has given me a clear and detailed information that ensured me to understand my pathway.


Bryan Tee

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery

University of Western Sydney, Australia

I’m currently a medical student studying at Western Sydney University. With perfect balance of fun, study and sports he’s living life to the fullest enabling him to engage in other activities like creating videos on YouTube. “There’s nothing more exciting than starting a new journey as a medical student in Australia. The fun and vibrant city life in Sydney and the friends I’ve made sure are incredible. Cheers to the AUG team and staff for being a quick and effective medium for me to reach out to the Australian Universities.”


Agnes Chang Kaixin

BA (Hons) International Events Management with International Year One

INTO Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom

I am Agnes from JB. I am studying in Glasgow Caledonian and it gives me lots of good experiences and benefits. Everyone in GCU is very gentle and friendly. Lecturers are helpful and passion when teaching. I would like to thank AUG for helping me to request Uni. If I didn’t get help from them, the process wouldn’t be easy and successful. AUG JB gave me a lot of help and recommend about University information. AUG is very responsible and effective. I feel lucky and thankful that received help from them. Thank AUG


Bruce Heng Guo Hao

Diploma in Management

SIMGE, Singapore

I’m Bruce, I feel glad and honored that I am one of the SIM student. SIM not only provides education, it also organized various activities. I was very glad that I had opportunity to participate in SIM Basketball match with my buddies. Moreover, i also had joined the Malaysia Community Club. I make a lot of friends and senior there were kind and friendly. I always looking forward to attend club event after the lesson. I want to thank AUG for recommending SIM to me and helping my application. If without AUG, i may miss the opportunity to further my study at SIM. Thank AUG for giving me a wonderful University life.


Khoo Ming Qi, Khoo Ming Xian and Khoo Ming Shawn

Foundation Program

Trinity College and The University of Melbourne, Australia

Thank you AUG for giving us a clear direction on how to apply to Trinity College, Australia and further our study to The University of Melbourne. AUG was first provided guidance for me and my twin sister and now we asked for assistance again for our younger brother. This give us an opportunity to experience high quality education in Australia and contact with various culture. We have the chance to work with diverse of people with different background which has teaches me the importance of teamwork. AUG has also assisted us to search for accommodation that provide us with a comfortable environment to concentrate our study. Even though the cost is high for three of us to study abroad, but the overall experience is worthy.






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