10 Mind-Blowing Use of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly!

Are you using Vaseline the right way? If you think it can only moisturize your skin, you’re completely missing all of its benefits!

1. Get rid of stubborn blackheads!

Put a hot towel on your nose to open your pores. Then, apply a thin layer of Vaseline on it and cover it with a plastic wrap. After 20 minutes, you can finally wash your face and use a wipe or acne needle to easily remove your blackheads!

2. Wear your new shoes comfortably!

The struggle we usually face when buying new shoes is hurting our heel! Thanks to Vaseline, applying it makes our heel at ease!

3. Slay your day with smooth hair!

Wake up with smooth hair by applying Vaseline on your hair and ends!

4. Flaunt your bag new look!

If your bag is looking old and dirty, just damp a white cloth with Vaseline!

5. It works with sunburn!

Enduring painful sunburns will be an easy-peasy with Vaseline! Just apply an ample amount of Vaseline in your skin to prevent your sunburn skin from peeling and moisturize your dry skin!

6. Prevent lipstick stain on your cup!

Eeerrr! Prevent your lipstick from staining your cup by putting Vaseline on your lips after applying lipstick!

7. Put your earrings effortless!

If you’re having a hard time putting your earrings, just add Vaseline!

8. Speed up wound healing

Recover from your wound faster with Vaseline! Believe it or not, Vaseline can act a shield on protecting your wound from bacteria to heal it faster!

9. Makeup remover

Just mix Vaseline and your toner to easily remove your makeup!

10. Grow your lashes!

No need to constantly use false lashes or mascara! Apply petroleum jelly from the root to the tip of your lashes every night before going to bed! See effective result after continuous use in more or less a month!

Vaseline has many uses we’re clearly unaware!

*Images from: Web