6 Tasty and Easy Soy Bean Recipes You Should Try at Home!

Missing the luscious taste of your soybean favorites? You can now make them at home! Try these …


1. Homemade Soy Milk

Ingredients: 250g soybeans, 2300ml water, 3 pandan leaves, rock sugar


1. Wash and soak the soybeans for at least 5 hours or overnight before draining it

2. Make a 1:3 ration, pour 1 part of soybean with 3 parts of water into a mixer

3. Stir for one minute, pause for about 15 seconds before stirring it again for another minute

4. Pour the soybeans in a filter bag and squeeze out the milk

5. Filter again the filtered soybean milk. Then, add the pandan leaves

6. Start stirring the soybean milk in a pot

7. When the milk starts to foam, adjust the heat to medium and continue stirring

8. Add sugar and mix well. Place the milk in a refrigerator. It can last up to 3 days.


2. Douhua

Ingredients: 300g soybean, 3.5g GDL, 23000ml water


1. Soak the soybeans overnight, grind the soy milk using a blender

2. Put the soaked soybeans into a soybean milk machine, add water and grind till it becomes a soybean milk paste

3. Pour the ground soybean in a drainer and squeeze out the milk using your hand

4. Use a strainer to filter our the soy milk

5. Boil the soymilk on a high heat and stir well

6. Once it boils, turn off the heat and dry to about 80 degrees. In another bowl, dissolve the GDL in 30ml of warm water and set aside.

7. Remove the skin of the soymilk floating above the soymilk, stir it quickly after adding the GDL

8. Cover and cook for 15 minutes.


3. Beancurd Pudding

Ingredients: 1300ml soy water, 1/4 teaspoon agar powder, taro balls, red beans, 50g white sugar


1. Mix together 2 tablespoons of soybean water and agar powder

2. Put all the ingredients in a pan and cook under low heat. Stir well

3. Filter the mixture and refrigerate

4. Add taro balls, red beans, and other ingredients you like to eat with your beancurd!


4. Purple Potato Soy Milk

Ingredients: 50g soybean, 1000ml water, 500g purple potato, 100ml milk, crystal sugar


1. Soak the soybeans six hours in advance

2. Put the soaked soybeans and steamed purple potatoes in a soymilk machine, add milk and crystal sugar

3. Start beating the soy milk until smooth


5. Banana soy milk

Ingredients: 50g soybeans, 1000ml water, two bananas, 100ml milk, sugar


1. Soak the soybeans six hours in advance

2. In a blender, mix together the soaked soybeans and diced bananas, add milk and sugar

3. Mix all the ingredients till it turns smooth


6. Papaya soy milk

Ingredients: 50g soybeans, 1000ml water, 500g papaya, 100ml, sugar


1. Soak the soybeans six hours in advance

2. In a blender, mix together the soaked soybeans and steamed papaya, add milk and sugar

3. Mix all the ingredients till it turns smooth