Cost of Living Clash Between Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru!

Have you ever think of which country is place has an ideal cost of living, Kuala Lumpur or Johor Bahru?

To answer the above question, decided to weight in the difference of cost in living between the two aforementioned cities in Malaysia.

Let us unveil the fact as goes into an in-depth analysis comparing the cost of living between Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru.

1. Eating Out

The results shown in the table are based on the average numbers of respondents for the past 18 months.

As you take a look at the table above, which is based from the gathered result of the, eating out is generally cheaper in Johor Bahru than in Kuala Lumpur. This implies that if a person want to save money on food, they should rather choose dining out in Johor.

Winner: Johor

2. Wet Markets

Base on the table, 8 out of 13 raw ingredients are much cheaper when you buy it in Johor Bahru.

Winner: Johor

3. Lifestyle expenses

On the other hand, when it comes to entertainment, clothing and school expenses, Johor is about 15 to 20 percent higher than in Kuala Lumpur. In addition, according to one of the respondents interviewed by, some of the entertainment and shopping costs in Johor, as there are some shop that increase the prices of their products for there are a number of Singaporean shoppers during weekend.

Winner: Kuala Lumpur

4. Housing prices and career prospects

Based on the gathered result, when it comes to renting or buying a house, either can be done at a cheaper cost in Johor Bahru. But, when it comes to career, employment prospects or salary level is higher in Kuala Lumpur than in Johor Bahru.

Still, many people believe that Singapore offers much better financial security than the two cities. That’s why there are plenty of people who choose to work in Singapore to earn higher salaries.

Winner: Johor Bahru


This survey done by the is quite interesting and serves a good reference to people living in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Singapore.

In overall analysis, Johor Bahru has an ideal cost of living compare in Kuala Lumpur. However, the latter city is ideal when in it comes to entertainment and shopping than in Johor Bahru.