【 Remember to Wash Your Hands After Touching These 7 Surface! Keep Your Hands Clean to Protect Yourself 】

The Covid-19 pandemic is getting more and more serious and the daily confirmed cases are constantly breaking new high record! Beside practicing preventive measures, we must develop a good habit of washing hands. Remember to wash your hands right after touching these surfaces!

1. Elevator button

Can you imagine the number of bacteria on the surface of elevator buttons? The bacteria on everyone’s hands are stuck to the buttons!

Photo: Premier Lift Group

2. Door handle of the store

Although everyone will stay at home as much as possible during the movement control order, we will also need to go to the store for some reasons. We don’t know how many people have touched the door handle of the store as customers enter and exit. After touching the doorknob, you must remember to clean your hands with a disposable disinfectant!

Photo: Freepik

3. Door handle of your car

Although the door handle of your car may not be touched by others, there are many dust, bacteria and viruses in the air that will adhere to the surface of the door handle. Don’t forget to use disinfectant to clean your hands after getting in the car, and also after getting off the car.

 Photo: Freepik

4. Petrol Pump

Filling petrol is necessary if you own a vehicle. However, you will never know the numbers of bacteria on the petrol pump as many people have touched it before you. Remember to disinfect or wash your hands once you finished filling petrol!

Photo: Freepik


5. Escalator Handrail

When using an escalator, some people will habitually hold on to the handrails. However, don’t forget that the handrails of escalators are also high-risk surfaces!

Photo: Pexels

6. ATM

Although many people have started cashless transactions, there are still people who prefer using cash. ATM is also a facility that can be used by many people, so you must clean your hands after using it!  

Photo: Freepik

7. Package

Since the movement control order began, many people have chosen to shop online to reduce the frequency of going out, but did you disinfect and wash your hands in time when you received the package? Can you imagine how many bacteria are attached to the package during the whole process of delivering it to your home?  

Photo: Freepik