Explore and Have Fun in Langkawi

Known as Langkawi the Jewel of Kedah, Langkawi is one of the most famous and beautiful islands in Malaysia that are always waiting to be explored! This compelling place will give visitors a wonderful and memorable experience. So come and enjoy at Langkawi!

1. Langkawi Sky Bridge

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Take in the beautiful view from the Langkawi Sky Bridge, a 125m long suspended curved pedestrian bridge at an altitude of 700m. The bridge is built on top of the Machinchang mountain.

2. Eagle Square Langkawi

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Dataran Lang is one of Langkawi’s popular attractions. It is a large sculpture of an eagle poised to take flight. Take beautiful photos of miniature fountains, terraces and bridges, and enjoy a lovely trip at this remarkable place.

3. Cenang Beach

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Cenang Beach is the busiest beach town  in Langkawi that offers white sand and clear waters. You can do jet skiing, parasailing, and sunbathing. And there are cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops around so you will really enjoy your vacation here.

4. Pulau Payar Marine Park

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Diving enthusiasts will absolutely have a great time at Pulau Payar Marine Park, a famous site for diving and snorkelling. If you’re not a thrill seeker, you can just admire the beautiful Coral Garden, and the scenic view.

5. Sky Cable Car

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This steepest cable car ride will take you up 708m above sea level to Langkawi’s second highest peak of Mt. Machinchang. Prepare to witness such a breathtaking view!

6. Tandem Skydiving

Spice up your holiday vacation with your loved one by trying Tandem Skydiving together! It is one of the most exhilarating experiences you can enjoy at Langkawi!

7. Parasailing

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Of course, you should never forget to try parasailing!

8. Langkawi ATV Ride and Adventure

ATV Ride in Langkawi is an amazing experience for visitors, especially those who are into adventure.