It’s Time to Reflect at Batu Pahat’s Famous Temples

Batu Pahat lies on the northern part of Johor and known for its interesting history and must see places!

People seeking for money, child and marriage

Batu County has a total of more than 300 Chinese Temples since the latter part of 80’s! During holidays and festivals, visitors from all over the world, seeking for money, son and marriage, visit these divine temples and ask for blessings. Believers said, it is truly effective!

Now, let’s have a glimpse of some of Batu Pahat famous temples.

【求财】石文丁崇龙宫庙 · 触摸神鱼沾财气

When you visit Chong Long gong Temple, you shouldn’t miss to touch the arapaimas fishes! It is believed that whoever touches the fishes will be prosperous and blessed with great fortunes!

Batu Pahat Chong Long Gong Temple

Location: 81, Kampung Segenting, Batu Pahat, 83030 Bandar Penggaram, Johor

【求子】普陀寺庙注生娘娘 · 拈香膜拜一圆求子梦

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Of incense and prayers ?

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普陀净寺 attracts a lot of couples who are seeking for a child. In order to be blessed with an offspring, you have to prepare flowers, fruits, tea and other tribute and pray. Thus, this isn’t for couple praying for a child alone, but also for the safety of both the mother and the baby, so whether you’re pregnant or not, you are very much welcome in this temple!


Location: No. 4, Jalan

Murai, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor

【求姻缘】四海龙王大伯公庙 · 拜月老求牵线赐良缘!


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月老 我的红线 合适签好呢 ?

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:: 保佑我 ::

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Still single and feeling hopeless already about it? You don’t have to wait any longer! Aside from good fortune, this temple in Batu Pahat will put an end to your single status! People come here to pray for a relationship and smooth sailing relationship among couples.

Si Hai Long Wang Temple

Location: JP12, Jalan Pantai, 83000 Batu Pahat, johor

As you visit the temples, do not just pray and wait for good fortune, rather reflect, show courtesy and give respect to the temple as it is divine. If you’re wish came true, do not forget to feel grateful about it!

For additional information: 全马首个DIY游乐园就在峇株巴辖

For additional information: 峇株巴辖最浪漫海景度假村